Friday, October 31, 2008

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Friday, October 24, 2008

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Friday, October 3, 2008

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Federalism, Government approves the bill

Federalism, Government approves the bill

(11:46 03/10/2008)

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Pope contraception distorts the ultimate meaning of marriage (The Associated Press - Home)

Ratzinger's message at forty dall'Humane Vitae, the encyclical which Paul VI forbade the pill

Source: Press - Home ( subscribers )

Tags: Family, Marriage

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The tower that sucks carbon dioxide

works perfectly and could solve the problem of cutting the greenhouse gases that affect climate

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Summaries eight railway workers sacked a colleague stamped

Genoa, expelled in August, will be reinstated by October 15: "difficult but fair decision"
losing only the salary of two months. Confession: "It 's been a lightness

Summaries eight railway workers laid off a colleague for all stamped

(17:08 02/10/2008)

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Fleas, armadillos and chips is the 2008 Ig Nobel

Harvard, the prizes for scientific research and more bizarre From extravagant
cognitive ability of molds to the effectiveness of Coca-Cola as spermicide

Fleas, armadillos and chips is the 2008 Ig Nobel

Andrea Bettini

(09:37 03/10/2008)

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But for all the studies the Knight climbing to the Quirinal "With my history, why not?"

would be elected easily in this term, but Napolitano's heir will be chosen by Bossi
next Parliament ready to vote for the prime minister: he will be the next president. Gianni Letta also among the eligible candidates

But Knight studies the climbing to the Quirinal "With my history, why not?"

Goffredo De Marchis

(08:12 03/10/2008)

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Tax evasion: Municipalities will have access to rent and electric utilities

The intersection of data will make it easier for local authorities to identify taxpayers who evade taxes ...

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Alitalia exposed Ryanair EU (Ansa)

Italian government has canceled 2 billion in debt

Source: Ansa ( subscribers )

Tags: Alitalia , Airlines

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Veltroni: «Berlusconi can not make the Head of State" (the 'Unit online)

The Secretary of the Democratic Party Walter Veltroni cadidatura rejects the assumption of the presidency of Silvio Berlusconi . And in an interview said that to make the head of state must ensure the constitution, respect the views of all, accept dissent. "All that Berlusconi is not," says Veltroni

Source: Unity online ( subscribers )

Tags: Political parties , Politics, Political , Silvio Berlusconi, Walter Veltroni

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U.S. face-off between the vice: Palin surprise, Biden avoid gaffes (

reppublicana The number two, which so far had not impressed in the televised speech, appeared safer and more prepared, while the Democratic candidate focused his criticism on John McCain. In the first survey 46% gave the victory to Biden, 21 to Palin. Listen to the 'Panorama of the corresponding AUDIO from the U.S., Marco De Martino and watch the video of the debate

Source: ( subscribers )

Tags: Foreign , John McCain , North America, United States of America , Washington

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Chinese beaten in Rome: "racist" (The Age - Home)

A baby was thrown against the gang man of 36 years insulting. Dynamic unclear. On the same day against violence senagalese in Milan. Gentilini investigated in Venice.

Source: Press - Home ( subscribers )

Tags: Rome Film Festival, Italy, Milan , Racism

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