Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rash From Feminine Pads

A Day in Venice of the eighteenth century in the company of Engraving and Printing-Santi : The ambiguous rules and privileges of the noble art of intaglio

Blessed Bernard Offida
Master engraving on copper wire on beautiful paper.
Private Collection Galanz

(© copyright-All rights reserved)

The Santino, reliably dated at the beginning of the second half of the eighteenth century-opens in the wake of news stories passed down the well known and bitter conflict between the Habsburgs and Engravers Remondini of Bassano del Grappa-an interesting and constructive discussion and are welcome to participate in all the collectors and scholars:

We are faced with a genuine Busch, clearly intended to trade with competitive Remondini in Italy, or we are exceptionally facing one of the notorious Remondiniane that copies triggered the casus belli that opened the case against the Habsburgs Engravers Remondini in Bavaria in the year 1766?

Sister Isabella -the-century Elizabeth Piccini (Venice 0.1648-1734) - see article dedicated to her here on the Blog - eldest daughter of the famous engraver Giacomo Piccini was the death of his father in 1660, the first woman- Venetian engraver to make specific time for bold request to the Doge of exclusive privileges to protect their incisions made with the technique of engraving on copper plate. E 'certificate from the chronicles that the request came from the Doge of the City of San Marco and the required privileges granted in the rapid interval of only thirty days granted; not for all the artists and Venetian art gravure printers, however, was easier to obtain these areas, and-among other things, expensive privileges.
activity Engraving and Printing Images sacred intended to popular piety was actually a very common and fruitful in Venice throughout the eighteenth century, as documented by the large collection of prints on display today at present and Archives and Museums of the most important Italian cities and even before as authoritatively demonstrated by studies and research carried out individually by eminent scholars and enthusiasts of Art Critics Including the same great collector prints and devotional images Achille Bertarelli (Milan, 1863 - Rome, 1938), who treated them very interesting and authentic milestone passed down in the Opera "The IMAGER POPULAR Italienne" published in French language in Paris in 1929.
Thus, the enchanting Venice and forge official birthplace of Italian art gravure century Enlightenment.
In our virtual tours today, back in time over three centuries, across the lagoon, into the heart active and vibrant city, treading along the ancient cobbled streets with historical Madonnas of rare beauty set Pity the walls for the traveler, crossing bridges, charming and unique in the world, we encounter a multitude of shops chalcographic almost in sequence as the grains of a rosary close at one o'clock on the other, if we peep from old doors Wood parted almost deafening us and the constant thud of the heavy presses that " daily torment "-as specified by Remondini proudly on the front of a famous Catalog about the vast and diversified their production of prints published in devout Venice nell'anno1772-anywhere tirelessly throughout the day, continuing in some circumstances-when, if not uncommon, for example, you have to evade large fees required for the next day without reserve-even well after sunset.
The Holders of Engraving and Printing Venetian shops, you are familiar with all of them, some are greeted by name when they meet at a brisk pace through the streets with shiny copper plates in the arm, sometimes nodded a brief reverence, and to us, virtual Time Travelers, see what excites us giving us a perfect semblance of social equilibrium and exemplary democratic marked by the observance of laws and religious and moral principles of an ideal city.
The reality of the social climate inside the copperplate in Venice, however, very different and for the entire period of 1700 emerges clearly thicker and heavier than the same fog that traditionally for centuries, since already from the first cold winds with his cloak the city, always is indeed higher than the competition and countless more anger-or-less evident among the various artists -Engravers and Printers of the burin on copper always existed - almost genetic inclination, resulting in continual quarrels and-at worst- in real duels with makeshift swords drawn between those same streets and public squares and a tasty free show for the greedy populace. This applies to a problem concrete and extremely burdensome for the city authorities almost daily in the light of the aforementioned facts and rivers of repeated complaints and anonymous accusations, they are forced to meet in frantic consultations to discuss and adopt more appropriate measures that could once and for all put an end - or at least ensure a stable balance - these competitions sceleratissime et disrespectful of other people's rights and honor .

and the situation is exacerbated by the apparent hostility to Engraving and Printing-Santi Venetians, exceptionally compact and united this time for the common cause against the Giambattista Bassano (Bassano 0.1713-1773) and Giovanni Antonio Remondini (Bassano 0.1700-1769), son of the famous Joseph - among other things, he refined devotional images Collector engraved and signed by the greatest artists of the seventeenth and eighteenth-secc.XVI - when, in the year 1747 , with a unique heritage of five paper mills, a factory occupying much of the vast area of \u200b\u200bthe main square in Bassano, an incredible number of presses and, in addition to more than one thousand employees in that, the famous and loyal team of 1000 Tesini , arrive in Venice on request to the Education Committee publica- 's body supreme governing the city Art intaglio prints and trade in general - also to be recognized as employees and members to this noble art, with additional applications for permission to open a shop in the city specifically for the sale of books.
The uproar that broke out this legitimate request of Remondini we can easily imagine, just as specious legal brawl that inevitably resulted, the latter, after three years, finally ended nell'anno1750 clearly in favor of Remondini Bassano obtained so that the required privileges for their print-on religious subjects as well as secular - and opened a little later in the ancient heart of the city a Library which soon became the main point of reference for the Committee at the Italian and European prints of sacred texts, Tomi Latin classics with fine bindings decorated parchment brush, and competitive-date atlases.
Here too, as he was voting for Santini and colorful, beautiful sacred images, the Remondini consistently held it until the sunset of the century, the absolute primacy in the production and sales: a rare insight and foresight played by Joseph Remondini invest money for the purchase of five cards in Bassano and around today gave its best results.
The books printed by famous Bassano had used for the raw material - paper precisely Essendon-producers themselves, almost no cost and this allowed the placing on the national and international market at costs significantly lower than those charged by all other Venetian printers.
The chronicles of the now well known to all lovers of Santini and Collections of sacred images he saw on the shelves because of Court of Augsburg in Bavaria the Tesini the pay of Joseph Remondini accused of plagiarism by local carvers, handed down a similar case brought against them in Spain ; So change the geographic latitude, but the script seems Remondini interpreted by the same.
And it was the ruthlessness of Remondini Bassano, under the aegis of 'old Latin adage LUCK IUVAT Audaces ("The (DEA) Fortune favors the brave") was coined in 79 BC by the distinguished historian and naturalist Pliny the Latin Caius According to the Old-alias-the secret of their success and their international reputation for two centuries, until, as we have seen year- 1861.
was not yet the only luck or the benevolence of good fortune to be favorable to large Printers Bassanesi : realistically favored by significant economic opportunities to obtain licenses and pay these privileged and the famous international popularity, in 1738 obtained by the Savi V Magistrates of the Merchandise of Venice the privilege of free absolutely exclusive marketing of their religious prints all over the country duty free granted indefinitely, ie for the duration of life and a full-privileged favor of the latter- the burden of taxes as regards the entry, transit and trade of printed matter devoted from Augusta and Germany in general.
other hand, always at the explicit Remondini request, the Supreme Body granted after the same the privilege to trade freely in Venice and throughout Italy Habsburg copies of the engravings, with obvious reasons for huge savings and convenience for those who wanted to buy in Italy without having to pay-originals but at a great price - directly imported from the Bavarian manufacturer.
Towards the end of the century, increased exponentially chalcographic the shops in the city, in the specific area in a landscape characterized by steady growth in marketing and distribution of the Saints from Stamperie stranger side of the Alps - in particular way from Bavaria and signed by the famous engraver and printer Habsburg Joseph Busch promoter of a business intentionally belligerent and aggressively competitive against Remondini Bassano - and increasingly obvious and infamous abuses at the local level in the copies and unauthorized reproductions of the same intended to trade land and especially trans, imperious and thundered particularly severe nell'anno1797 the voice expressed in this context, a decree by the Extraordinary Committee for publica education City , as mentioned supreme body in charge the regulation of trade: in it, to protect the rights of the painter, engraver and the very title of the workshop was by that time dictated that these were their names engraved on copper plate must in order to discourage the artifice of copies and reproductions misappropriation of the work performed by third parties and all the honors it has rightly caused, resulting in serious economic and moral and legitimate for the original creators.
E'altresì Remondini documented that, after an initial short period in which respected this provision by signing top bottom effigy the Saint being celebrated, later-and was certainly not an 'innocent forgetfulness! - never again waited in the production of many different types of beautiful devotional image which, as known to collectors, were ambiguously "anonymous", looking for intelligently " adoption "in all countries of the known world.
As I said at the beginning of my article, not randomly but deliberately morale of many and varied events described so far in this disputed scenario-not, however, was equally easy for all Engraving and Printing's Venetian obtaining the desired concessions and privileges for their prints and the more likely the fail with private agreements or tacit assent to skirt the issue and venal and circumvent the various instructions issued in this activity discipline: the chronicles sadly passed on-the-emblematic case of ' Engraver, Printer Merchants and devotional prints and engraved on copper plate Teodoro Viero (1740-1821): On multiple and repeated attempts to get the privilege to protect their incisions none of them ever came to fruition disappointingly-limiting and not a little cynical, I might add - rejected.

Paola Galanz

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Metal Gear Solid Zippo

"San Carlo Borromeo: Holiness in the social": the new Opera of Professor Vincent Musardo Talò with the participation of Prof.Carluccio Frison

Sanctus Karolus Borromaeus
Santino Rare and refined with precious frame lithographed in woodcut, watercolor by hand and lighted up with the typical and unmistakable "Chinese lacquer".
Engraver: Koppe - Prague, the first half century. XIX
Private Collection Prof.Carluccio Frison

When Prof.Carluccio Frison dear friend, esteemed medievalist and professor, and Socio-Arbiter AICIS Association Italian Cultori holy pictures -honored me with a preview news're genuinely moved, and now is a real pleasure for me to share with him in all the Friends and Collectors AICIS Members and Readers: short, at the beginning, the month of November, the Borromeiane Celebrations will be published the 'important works dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo of Professor Vincent Musardo Talò , accompanied by a refined and exclusive Catalogue presented by Professor Frison Carluccio with the prestigious and privileged contribution illustrations of the most beautiful and rare devotional images celebrating the Holy produced in Europe in than two centuries, from 1600 to 1800 as part of his private collection, partially visible here on the blog section: SHOW ON THE LINE.

Collection invaluable-and, I believe, unique not only in Italian but also European-excellent document sacred iconography Borromeo, and true love in the celebration of private, very intimate, eternal footprint carved in Time by bright-light-issued authentically Christian for 46 years and twenty days from the Life of the Holy, generous and tireless until the evening of November 3 dell'anno1584 , when, shortly before expiring, in response affectionate rebuke Monaco, who attended a while had placed excessive emphasis on the hardships suffered by him personally to make efforts to the next, he calmly replied, " The candle light is only consumed " ... ..

Light Sciente masterfully lavished on the Light of a life so exemplary hence, the valuable work of deep research and hard of hearing Professor Vincent Musardo Talò: Historical and Art Critic,

President Honorary Academy of Santino Trepuzzi (Lecce) - ,

already SSIS Professor at the University of Lecce, Puglia, former Secretary General of the Research Center of Religious History in Puglia, is an ordinary member of the Society of National History in Puglia, the Institute for the History of the Risorgimento Italian President and the Center for Research, Study and Cataloging of Cultural Heritage of Puglia. As Rapporteur official is present to Congress and conferences on issues and results of his research, especially on the issue of women's fraternities and Monasticism.
author, among many, and very much appreciated, of authoritative books devoted specifically to the enchanting imagery of the images of Christian devotion- one of them from the suggestive title "Angels paper: the heavenly messengers in popular devotion " is that I reported here on the Blog section RECOMMENDED BOOKS THE SANTINI COLLECTION AND IMAGES DEVOTIONAL -
owner of an elegant site named " Studies and Vincenza Musardo Talò " , full of unique ideas and fundamental references for the study of artistic, historical, ethno-anthropological , hagiographic and Archaeological relating to the most distinguished personalities who have signed the indelible history of humanity, invites scholars, as well as a passionate reader of Knowledge, a virtual link with the interesting Ethnographic Museum of San Marzano di Puglia , founded by Research Center study and cataloging of cultural heritage of Puglia non-profit organization, which is Professor President since its inception.

grateful to the wonderful friends Carluccio Frison, to be with us this day all generations - in her sunny nature, wanted to share the joy of this well deserved honor offered its beautiful San Carlo by Professor Musardo Talò, waiting to Opera-read this short of great historical and religious-thank you for giving me the Professor kindly allowed us to publish a partial preview of the Blog: The Presentation of the Catalogue edited by Prof.Frison: Presentation magnificent jewels and take part in authentic ancient paper, fervent popular devotion to St. Charles Borromeo .

.... and, although inexcusable delay of a day: Happy Birthday E "AD MAIORA" dear friend!

(All rights of these presentations are reserved to the authors of the Work itself).

Paola Galanz


Presentation to the Catalogue together with the Opera San Carlo Borromeo "in Social Holiness" by Professor Vincent Musardo Talò

Prime November of this 'year - as you know all those who read these pages - marks an important anniversary for the History of the Church: they were 400 years that St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584), Bishop of Milan, the great theologian of exceptional personality and moral rigor, and one of the greatest interpreters of the spirit of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, was raised to the honors of altars.
many years now that I collect, with interest and devotion, and researchers all over the place, the Holy Bishop of Milan, Santini, so you can say (without sin-think-of false modesty) have put together a rich and fairly complete collection at St. Charles Borromeo, ranging from the earliest production: some press the seventeenth century, few eighteenth-century miniatures, called Santjes Flemish, up to several steel engraving, the "laced" French nineteenth century, and finally to the most modern copper engravings German, Italian, Swiss, etc.., for a total range of more than one thousand pieces (I never thought to count them one by one, and I think that never will!), all representing San Carlo Borromeo, shown alone or together with other saints [invitation certainly admire those who want a larger gallery of my most Santini "old" to see the beautiful online site dear friend Paola Galanz directly by searching the web: Le monde des images Ravissant pieuses].
obviously I'm not to dwell too much on the reasons for collecting this choice: I think it suffices to note that although my name is anagrafe Carluccio, always, because Charles is my real first name, I celebrate my name day November 4, the day on the calendar commemorating St. Charles Borromeo.
seemed necessary prerequisites for this include the presence of my Pictures and "Borromean" here: I joined it with the greatest enthusiasm the invitation of the curator of this wonderful catalog when he asked me to make available some of my Santini that she herself had had the opportunity to see published on the web.
I thought I'd send some of the most iconic images of my collection, from the most ancient and precious (like my only Canivet ) than the ones I most prefer (i Santjes Flemish and a choice of several manufacturers of Santini who worked in Prague in the early decades of the nineteenth century), to the achievements Most recent: Santini with the lace, the "laced", especially the French area, but not only, and multi-colored copperplate engravings of the twentieth century, of course leaving out all the most recent production, both series is representative of local cults .
Not being able to send all clear I had to make choices, leaving it to the curator of the Catalogue itself the right to enter what they considered most appropriate: it will not be here much represented the Italian publishing houses active in the nineteenth and twentieth century: no Pictures and of the Holy Eucharistic League in Milan, for example, but are very present in my collection, just as there are other productions of publishers or less known and sought after: the Callot to name a "no" famous.
It is obviously not my intention here to make a list of what is missing, but before I conclude this brief presentation, remember that only two criteria, in line with the explicit intention of this catalog, I kept in mind in choosing the -cards, the first and the other historical illustrations. Criterion
historical groped that may walk with a few examples, focusing only on the figure of St. Charles Borromeo, the age-old story of Santino, beginning in the earliest production that can be dated to the second half of the sixteenth century and looking at the same time of offer "pieces" they were also different in their technical and typographical.
iconographic Criterion: to present some of the pictorial themes that recur more frequently in the holy pictures of St. Charles Borromeo, who are nothing but a reflection of its extensive and best-known paintings: almost no church, I come from, that not have a picture, an altar dedicated to him.
San Carlo Borromeo-as masterfully explained Prof. Vincent Musardo Talò-in holy pictures, starting as early as the seventeenth century is represented according to the norms defined: Only the half-length portrait always played with the cardinal's red cape; while distributing Communion and Confirmation to the sick and the lepers, but the young San Luigi Gonzaga (in 1580) or while it is busy eating a frugal meal or when kneeling in prayer before the crucifix. The appearance of St. Charles is also almost always characterized by a very pronounced aquiline nose and its attributes are genuflecting, worship, plague victims, a firearm.
These are the issues that we find in holy pictures presented in these pages, and I sincerely hope that their consultation may also offer to all of you leaf through this catalog, the same feelings that I try to choose the picture with you are shown.

Carluccio Frison

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gitl Masterbates With Toothbrush

Collectibles Santini and Culture: Home Vallardi: l 'elegant living culture in the ancient heart of Milan's controversial century of lights "

Ecce Homo
Refined watercolor lithograph hand.
Vallardi Vedova, Contrada Santa Margherita in Milan 1113
First half of XIX century
Private Collection Galanz
Moved by great esteem and sincere admiration I have often posted here on my blog articles about the illustrious Printer Remondini of Bassano del Grappa, another important Italian Family, however, made great work for the dissemination of culture, religious and not only of our country as far back as the eighteenth century: the Family Vallardi of Milan, an ancient race of publishers now known and highly esteemed throughout the world. The beautiful
Vallardi History House was opened in 1750 and as a cradle of the most beautiful and valuable features of the old Milan the Cantoncello .

Milan, City beautiful: elegant, intelligent, generous and jovial.
With the entrepreneurial spirit and professionalism that still characterizes the Milanese clearly authentic, the brothers Giuseppe and Pietro Vallardi, death Francesco's father Cesare Vallardi , which occurred at dusk of the century called "the Enlightenment" as far back as 1799, the elegant literary salon -founded by him baptized just Vallardi House - noble goal and meeting the noblesse Lombarda Milanese and Italian Literature and Genes of which the Brianza Giuseppe Parini (Bosisio, 1729 - Milan, 1799) and the even more illustrious Bonesana Cesare Marquis of Beccaria (Milano 0.1738-1794), joining together the different skills and abilities and their own names based the company Vallardi Peter and Joseph.
operation and production of a wide and varied range of works from authoritative Spaziante atlas publishing and dissemination of important Tomi scientific, literary, and not least religious, gaining knowledge and experiencing it rather than the innovative for the era of graphic art techniques such engraving on copper plate and the same lithography, disseminate and export with great success throughout Italy and Europe in their beautiful creations, decorated and bound with care and exclusive elegance. Peter
Vallardi dies in 1919 leaving behind his wife Giuseppina Radaelli previously opened the shop with his brother Joseph at number 1113 of Contrada Santa Margherita.
And it was here, in the picturesque old Contrada Santa Margherita, noisy and heavy presses that worked tirelessly on the copper in the production of beautiful and highly sought-Santini, refined in detail and finished with touches of watercolor diligent polychrome distributed by a reliable and competent service at the Printing House.
a far greater extent, to square footage and personnel, the shop was originally opened by Giuseppe Vallardi with his brother Peter and the disappearance of the latter that he fully detected and managed. Entrepreneur
with rare ability, with a forerunner of a sense of progress and insight in business very uncommon in those days, thanks to a fine aesthetic sense and who knew how to nurture genuine love for graphics and antiques in general, Joseph such an incredible boost accretive old Company intaglio , with the addition of a forward-looking Workshop Litografica that increased wealth and prestige to the family soon.
his death in 1843, Giuseppina Radaelli, widow of Peter Vallardi, their sons and daughters- Antonio and Fancesco Vallardi - Bottega Tipografica inherit thriving and respected, strong and stable source of a solid, substantial annual income derived Images from the thriving trade in beautiful devotional, whose management will, however, personally supervised by Antonio.

I Santini and devotional purposes Images produced by Antonio Vallardi Publisher bottom since that year bear the words: Milan, Italy A. Vallardi, CSMarg. No. 80, where the 'publisher, from the famous number 9 of the same Contrada, had transferred their business.
Straddling the end of XIX century and the beginning of the next estimated Publisher Vallardi reach the 'climax reputation of becoming, with the opening of several branches in Milan and the same everywhere in Italy, the Italian symbol of supervening It was the industrial revolution in the socio-economic life since the twenties of the century, rapid and exponential sequence, was now affecting the major countries of Europe.
seriousness and competence-were and continue to be still in the respect of tradition thanks to the professionality of Gruppo Editoriale Mauri Spagnol which took over the company-to the success of this large family of Milanese publisher, who, similarly, not least the famous Remondini Bassano, succeeded thanks to the consistency of their commitment and the generous enthusiasm and love for their activities, to disseminate with broad support and feedback throughout Europe, the Italian Culture and ingenuity, in short, we may well say, adding another fundamental element in the landscape of Collectibles of Santini and pride of our beloved Italy.

engraved on beautiful paper controllatamente higher quality wire rod, or punch doodles drawn in gold in the elegant setting of the lithographed, Santini from the presses of the famous Milanese Printing Vallardi Brothers, and later by the Widow Vallardi Antonio Vallardi publisher, were made by skilled engravers Bavarian and Italian full-time employees at the shop, were carried in buckets. XVIII and XIX with beautiful engraving on copper plate and with the innovative and highly profitable lithographic technique, again with the careful and distinctive coloring by hand and often, quoting the date of the celebration of the festival calendar dedicated to the saint depicted , with the original features of beautiful and meaningful maximum traditionally attributed to the Saints more Popular Christianity.

little national paper on the antiquities market and therefore valuable collectible are, sadly, virtually unknown and unavailable in the field of International Antique paper, and contrary to the salient feature that distinguishes the Santini and devotional images Remondiniane - the almost constant absence of the signing of production-the Printing Images devoted Vallardiane proudly point out, always witnessing to the elegant caption in italics less than the 'Image of the Saint being celebrated, their origins clear and fair Meneghina .

Paola Galanz

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Causes Meralgia Paresthetica

St. Anthony of Padua: Love for the Truth and wonderfully life spent helping the poorest and weakest among

Anthony of Padua - Martim Fernando de Bulhões and Taveira Azevedo - was born in Portugal, Lisbon, il15 Agosto1195 from a noble family of illustrious traditions.
obtaining excellent results and great satisfaction attended studies at the Canons Regular of St. Augustine to St. Vincent de Fora and after Monastery of the Holy Cross of Coimbra when very young, he was ordained priest. Castaway
off the coast Messinesi from a trip to Morocco, where he had gone along with three Franciscan friars and two lay brothers for the evangelization and conversion of the Muslim people of the place, following the killing and bloodshed of the martyrdom of his fellow passengers are firmly persuaded to embrace the Franciscan Order .
fundamental step in theological education and the life of Antonio was also the meeting with Francis of Assisi at the General Chapter of the spring of 1221, gathered in a wide valley not far from the Porziuncola, Fernando is welcomed here Franciscan Friars of the hermitage Montepaolo getting the name Antonio .
Posted by Francis as a preacher around Italy and France, Antonio, thanks to the uncommon oratory skills and the immense theological learning, work countless conversions, founded in Brive in the south of France, a monastery, and continuing the relentless' deterrence and conversion work begun at the behest of Francis against Albigenses (better known by the name of the Cathars) and other heterodox Christians, or heretics.
Custos of Limoges in 1226, following the death of Fancesco of Assisi in 1227 he was appointed as Minister Provincial for the whole of northern Italy, giving up just the same, however, three years later, in 1230 at the Chapter, because of his poor health. In Rome he was Director of Pope Gregory IX in the controversial debate concerning the validity of Testament of St. Francis.

In 1231 was sent to Padua, where he continued his preaching during the period of Lent. Antonio is wrong, however, suffers from severe asthma attacks and an advanced form of dropsy which weaken more quickly and irreversibly weaken the physical strength. Guest
in the small hermitage at the Castle in Camposanpiero where he had retired for a period of rest and meditation, sensing the end is getting closer, Antonio asks to be back to Padua, where he wants to die.

is answered, and arrives in Padua transported to the twenty kilometers of the ancient Roman road now called "The Way of the Holy " on a simple wooden cart pulled by oxen, lying on the ground after receiving the ' last rites to ' Arcella at the Convent of the Poor Clares, just 36 years, uttering the famous words " Video Dominum meum" ("I see my Lord"), Antonio goes to sleep forever in God's peace.

Doctor of the Church, an imposing figure and, like Francis of Assisi Faro bright and shining of Christianity, the Holy Healer was canonized by Pope Gregory IX, just a year after his death, May 30 dell'anno1232.

patron saint of Portugal, his native patron of sailors, shipwrecked and prisoners .
The cult of St. Anthony had a major impact and dissemination, especially in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

Since 1600 St. Anthony as well as for healing or ask Thanks in general was also invoked to find lost objects, and this ancient tradition, that wherever in the world, continues unchanged today, comes dall'aneddoto who wants a thief, after stealing the Holy Breviary was struck by his deep and sincere regret, that for him to immediately return the stolen goods.

Numerous Wonders and Miracles anywhere on Earth that are allocated.

Images The iconography of Santini and dear to popular devotion portray the traditional dress of the simple Franciscan habit with a hair shirt tight around the waist, while he was preaching to the crowds and the fishes, intent to talk with San Francisco as she makes miraculous cures to the sick, while you kneel in front of a mule SS. Sacramento-miracle that the saint made in an attempt to convince a Jew that he doubted the Holy Presence of God in the Sacred Host-or, adoring apparition of the Infant Jesus or the Blessed Virgin Mary.

His recurring iconographic typical, well known to collectors and lovers of Santini and sacred images, are: the Child Jesus, the Franciscan habit, the lily, the Flaming Heart, the mule, the book , fish.

Anthony-The Miracles of Santo - is celebrated solemnly in Padua on June 13 at the beautiful Basilica dedicated to him, rhiamando every year, thousands of faithful from all over the world.

During the holiday season of Christmas, my dear friends and collectors Mario pocket-member AICIS - ITALIAN ASSOCIATION Expert holy pictures - to organize Follina (Treviso) for an interesting exclusive EXHIBITION Santini and devotional images celebrating the Holy Healer , which will help with a personal contribution to the beautiful site Santini CARTANTICA Patrick Fontana and Roca, albeit with a modest intake of images, even on this blog. Details concerning the above information
exhibition dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua will jointly with the specific poster, soon to be posted on my blog and will be available to the section: EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS . My essential
conclude this biographical excursus Santo, bringing the simple yet beautiful prayer on this fascinating video from Youtube that accompanies this post today.
To all of you, dear friends and readers, I wish you a Happy viewing!

Paola Galanz

simple prayer to St. Anthony of Padua

you who never invoked in vain,
once again I turn to you,
so that you intercede with the Lord, our God, for I
to receive the graces that I have great need,
and all those who are particularly dear to me,
(personal intention)
that you always have been my good and faithful protector,
Accept, I pray, my prayer,
so, thanks to your intercession, God willing
hear us, if this is His will.
May the Lord increase my faith and keep my heart open and merciful!
For Jesus Christ our Lord
