Thursday, October 14, 2010

Metal Gear Solid Zippo

"San Carlo Borromeo: Holiness in the social": the new Opera of Professor Vincent Musardo Talò with the participation of Prof.Carluccio Frison

Sanctus Karolus Borromaeus
Santino Rare and refined with precious frame lithographed in woodcut, watercolor by hand and lighted up with the typical and unmistakable "Chinese lacquer".
Engraver: Koppe - Prague, the first half century. XIX
Private Collection Prof.Carluccio Frison

When Prof.Carluccio Frison dear friend, esteemed medievalist and professor, and Socio-Arbiter AICIS Association Italian Cultori holy pictures -honored me with a preview news're genuinely moved, and now is a real pleasure for me to share with him in all the Friends and Collectors AICIS Members and Readers: short, at the beginning, the month of November, the Borromeiane Celebrations will be published the 'important works dedicated to San Carlo Borromeo of Professor Vincent Musardo Talò , accompanied by a refined and exclusive Catalogue presented by Professor Frison Carluccio with the prestigious and privileged contribution illustrations of the most beautiful and rare devotional images celebrating the Holy produced in Europe in than two centuries, from 1600 to 1800 as part of his private collection, partially visible here on the blog section: SHOW ON THE LINE.

Collection invaluable-and, I believe, unique not only in Italian but also European-excellent document sacred iconography Borromeo, and true love in the celebration of private, very intimate, eternal footprint carved in Time by bright-light-issued authentically Christian for 46 years and twenty days from the Life of the Holy, generous and tireless until the evening of November 3 dell'anno1584 , when, shortly before expiring, in response affectionate rebuke Monaco, who attended a while had placed excessive emphasis on the hardships suffered by him personally to make efforts to the next, he calmly replied, " The candle light is only consumed " ... ..

Light Sciente masterfully lavished on the Light of a life so exemplary hence, the valuable work of deep research and hard of hearing Professor Vincent Musardo Talò: Historical and Art Critic,

President Honorary Academy of Santino Trepuzzi (Lecce) - ,

already SSIS Professor at the University of Lecce, Puglia, former Secretary General of the Research Center of Religious History in Puglia, is an ordinary member of the Society of National History in Puglia, the Institute for the History of the Risorgimento Italian President and the Center for Research, Study and Cataloging of Cultural Heritage of Puglia. As Rapporteur official is present to Congress and conferences on issues and results of his research, especially on the issue of women's fraternities and Monasticism.
author, among many, and very much appreciated, of authoritative books devoted specifically to the enchanting imagery of the images of Christian devotion- one of them from the suggestive title "Angels paper: the heavenly messengers in popular devotion " is that I reported here on the Blog section RECOMMENDED BOOKS THE SANTINI COLLECTION AND IMAGES DEVOTIONAL -
owner of an elegant site named " Studies and Vincenza Musardo Talò " , full of unique ideas and fundamental references for the study of artistic, historical, ethno-anthropological , hagiographic and Archaeological relating to the most distinguished personalities who have signed the indelible history of humanity, invites scholars, as well as a passionate reader of Knowledge, a virtual link with the interesting Ethnographic Museum of San Marzano di Puglia , founded by Research Center study and cataloging of cultural heritage of Puglia non-profit organization, which is Professor President since its inception.

grateful to the wonderful friends Carluccio Frison, to be with us this day all generations - in her sunny nature, wanted to share the joy of this well deserved honor offered its beautiful San Carlo by Professor Musardo Talò, waiting to Opera-read this short of great historical and religious-thank you for giving me the Professor kindly allowed us to publish a partial preview of the Blog: The Presentation of the Catalogue edited by Prof.Frison: Presentation magnificent jewels and take part in authentic ancient paper, fervent popular devotion to St. Charles Borromeo .

.... and, although inexcusable delay of a day: Happy Birthday E "AD MAIORA" dear friend!

(All rights of these presentations are reserved to the authors of the Work itself).

Paola Galanz


Presentation to the Catalogue together with the Opera San Carlo Borromeo "in Social Holiness" by Professor Vincent Musardo Talò

Prime November of this 'year - as you know all those who read these pages - marks an important anniversary for the History of the Church: they were 400 years that St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584), Bishop of Milan, the great theologian of exceptional personality and moral rigor, and one of the greatest interpreters of the spirit of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, was raised to the honors of altars.
many years now that I collect, with interest and devotion, and researchers all over the place, the Holy Bishop of Milan, Santini, so you can say (without sin-think-of false modesty) have put together a rich and fairly complete collection at St. Charles Borromeo, ranging from the earliest production: some press the seventeenth century, few eighteenth-century miniatures, called Santjes Flemish, up to several steel engraving, the "laced" French nineteenth century, and finally to the most modern copper engravings German, Italian, Swiss, etc.., for a total range of more than one thousand pieces (I never thought to count them one by one, and I think that never will!), all representing San Carlo Borromeo, shown alone or together with other saints [invitation certainly admire those who want a larger gallery of my most Santini "old" to see the beautiful online site dear friend Paola Galanz directly by searching the web: Le monde des images Ravissant pieuses].
obviously I'm not to dwell too much on the reasons for collecting this choice: I think it suffices to note that although my name is anagrafe Carluccio, always, because Charles is my real first name, I celebrate my name day November 4, the day on the calendar commemorating St. Charles Borromeo.
seemed necessary prerequisites for this include the presence of my Pictures and "Borromean" here: I joined it with the greatest enthusiasm the invitation of the curator of this wonderful catalog when he asked me to make available some of my Santini that she herself had had the opportunity to see published on the web.
I thought I'd send some of the most iconic images of my collection, from the most ancient and precious (like my only Canivet ) than the ones I most prefer (i Santjes Flemish and a choice of several manufacturers of Santini who worked in Prague in the early decades of the nineteenth century), to the achievements Most recent: Santini with the lace, the "laced", especially the French area, but not only, and multi-colored copperplate engravings of the twentieth century, of course leaving out all the most recent production, both series is representative of local cults .
Not being able to send all clear I had to make choices, leaving it to the curator of the Catalogue itself the right to enter what they considered most appropriate: it will not be here much represented the Italian publishing houses active in the nineteenth and twentieth century: no Pictures and of the Holy Eucharistic League in Milan, for example, but are very present in my collection, just as there are other productions of publishers or less known and sought after: the Callot to name a "no" famous.
It is obviously not my intention here to make a list of what is missing, but before I conclude this brief presentation, remember that only two criteria, in line with the explicit intention of this catalog, I kept in mind in choosing the -cards, the first and the other historical illustrations. Criterion
historical groped that may walk with a few examples, focusing only on the figure of St. Charles Borromeo, the age-old story of Santino, beginning in the earliest production that can be dated to the second half of the sixteenth century and looking at the same time of offer "pieces" they were also different in their technical and typographical.
iconographic Criterion: to present some of the pictorial themes that recur more frequently in the holy pictures of St. Charles Borromeo, who are nothing but a reflection of its extensive and best-known paintings: almost no church, I come from, that not have a picture, an altar dedicated to him.
San Carlo Borromeo-as masterfully explained Prof. Vincent Musardo Talò-in holy pictures, starting as early as the seventeenth century is represented according to the norms defined: Only the half-length portrait always played with the cardinal's red cape; while distributing Communion and Confirmation to the sick and the lepers, but the young San Luigi Gonzaga (in 1580) or while it is busy eating a frugal meal or when kneeling in prayer before the crucifix. The appearance of St. Charles is also almost always characterized by a very pronounced aquiline nose and its attributes are genuflecting, worship, plague victims, a firearm.
These are the issues that we find in holy pictures presented in these pages, and I sincerely hope that their consultation may also offer to all of you leaf through this catalog, the same feelings that I try to choose the picture with you are shown.

Carluccio Frison


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