Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Images Of Inside The Labia

SHOW ON LINE # 3: a selection of 157 beautiful Rosina from the Collective Santini Llagarìa Vidal to donate you all a pleasant moment of relaxation

Dedicated to all the Friends collectors Santini and devotional images, to the readers habitués, now at home in the living room the Blog, and casual Internet users, even from countries far away from our World, which randomly and perhaps out of curiosity take place discreetly with us to admire the delicate beauty of SHOW ON LINE a collection of devotional image, flying soft colors and delicate lace, gently accompanied by a soothing melody .... Ben 157 Santini are today and the beautiful devotional image artifacts, dating from the eighteenth century the first half of sec.XX - including several valuable pieces of scapulars Romantic era - that animate and give color to the third EXHIBITION ON LINE, drawn from the private collection of beautiful and rich collection of English and dear Friend Socia AICIS - Italian Association Cultori holy pictures - Rosina Llagarìa Vidal which, as you know, I've already devoted an article recently on this blog , however, also accompanied by an extraordinary Gallery Santini.

Thanking Rosina for the generous, continued involvement and greet with affection I can only wish all of you, dear friends, good vision and good relaxation in the enchanting world inhabited by the ancient and precious sacred images .....

Paola Galanz

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