Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Activists collect signatures of common people! ORDINARY PEOPLE

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Ostra: doctor, he speaks at a public meeting

Tuesday evening at 21.15 hours was convened at the theater, the Victory of Ostra a public meeting concerning the future of Doctor of Ostra, attended by the Mayor of Ostra Massimo Olivetti, the head of the Asura Senigallia, dr. Pesaresi Franco, the leader of two groups of board Ostra, Mauro Morganti and Moris Mansanta. The invitation was also extended to the Regional health Mezzolani, to Dr. Ruta, the Regional Councillors, Mayors and other city councilors in the area and also to all the City Council, Ostra, so as to enable a wider debate and comprehensive as possible. Given
the importance of this issue, we expect a large turnout of public will, in fact, this is a time when Ostra manifest, so composed as usual, all his dissent with the dreaded decision to close down an essential service for the territory as that of Doctor. A sacrifice, unfair, unjustified and too burdensome for a particular community, such as Ostrense fast growing and extremely diverse. "It will deliver on that occasion that the dr. Pesaresi the many signatures we have collected against the closure of the service, "said Mayor of Ostra, Massimo Olivetti, adding" The city has responded compactly, as indeed did the local politics, and we are proud of this. Now we hope to not have to resort to more and more blatant ways of protest.
I hope that Dr. Pesaresi take account of this strong position, as I hope to even the mayors of the valley. Too many months that we are prevented from a serious debate on the subject, I hope that the Mayor of Senigallia, understands the urgent need to reopen as soon as the debate on health care between different institutions and to convene, without further delay, the Conference of Mayors in order to address a political problem that certainly can not be delegated to the bureaucracy. "

the City of Ostra

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Our proposal is twofold:

A) collect a series of projects on paper meaningful and achievable in order to make our youngest city and for young people. The best projects will be selected by the Governing Council of ordinary people and will become part of the implementation program of our movement and will be rewarded with a plaque.
B) You tube to open a channel of Young Ordinary People (GCG) on which to showcase short films in low quality (by mobile phone, camera, everything is fine ) that you made, showing the deterioration of our city.

You can choose between two proposals, or send both types of materials.
For whom are our proposals?
All young people of good will in their thirties.
By when?
Between 4 weeks (15 April 2011) will close the terms of this contest of ideas. So if you have or have had in the past some nice idea for a young Genoa, throw it down on a Word document (Max 20 lines) and send to the email listed at the bottom of the page.
waiting for your ideas!

John - Head of young Ordinary People
giovanni.traverso @

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Collect Signatures in Via XX Settembre

Cacciabue Alessandro, a leading activist of ordinary people, collecting signatures in Via XX Settembre, Saturday, March 12, 2011, for the popular bill aims to reduce the salaries of the directors regionai Ligurian . In just one day collected over 200 signatures!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Three events dedicated to the Unity of Italy

Ostra. Three events dedicated to the unification of Italy. On the occasion of the celebrations of 150 years, was a group of work that provides an opportunity for deepening the themes of the Risorgimento. The cut-up to this initiative is the reading of the events of the Risorgimento through the figures of the protagonists. The towns of Belvedere Ostrense, Ostra and Poggio San Marcello have developed a route in stages. Yesterday the first part in Belvedere Ostrense where Professor Michael Millozzi University Macerata presented the figure of Giuseppe Mazzini and the idea in the Republican Risorgimento.
Next Saturday the event will move to Ostra, at the Great Hall of the town hall, with a double encounter, always by 18: The first speaker will be Professor Fred Anghel, University of Genoa, who put in the middle of his speech Vittorio Emanuele II, father of the country, followed by Professor Gennaro Carotenuto University of Macerata, will develop the theme of the Democratic Movement in the Risorgimento, deepening the role and character of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
On April 2, the route is closed to Poggio San Marcello, where the protagonist the evening will be Cavour, presented as "the director of the unification of Italy" by Professor Richard Piccioni, University of Macerata.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Pirandello Comedy Theatre

Ostra. Appointment to the theater with the exhibition "The sentiment to the contrary" Pirandello dedicated to the 75th anniversary of his death. Al Teatro "Victory" is scheduled tonight at 21.15, the comedy "Man, Beast and Virtue", a fable in three acts written by Luigi Pirandello in 1919. Pirandello's masterpiece was brought to the scene by the company "Teatro del Sorriso" directed by Giampiero Piantadosi. The theme of the farcical comedy is well represented by the title "Man", the first form of Professor Pauline who hides under his respectability, an affair with Mrs. Perella. She wears the mask of "Virtue", that is, a modest life and modest mother of the family deserted by her husband, sea captain, and forced by circumstances to console themselves otherwise. The captain has the mask of "Beast", for taking advantage of his long absences at sea, has created a second family in another city. Between trips and the other back by his wife, but only for a night and take advantage of any excuse to fight. The comedy in masks could go to the full satisfaction of all, if fate does not intervene in the case and drop the false appearances, and if the time to salvage what was not a single night.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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PROX AFTERNOON FROM Saturday, March 12, 2011, from 16.00, ORDINARY PEOPLE DARA 'KICKS OFF WITH A HAPPENING IN XX September (HEIGHT P. MONUMENTAL TE, going on right), With pizza, cakes, and wine, a collection of TESA SIGNATURES TO APPLY FOR THE REDUCTION OF AT LEAST 50% OF TODAY WHICH THE DIRECTORS REMUNERATION disproportionate Ligurian. COLLECTION will continue 'ON-LINE AND THROUGH DOOR TO DOOR in the following months, reaching a quorum in order to submit a bill REGIONAL SPECIFICATION AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE OF LIGURIA:

Article 7 - People's Initiative
1. The popular initiative for the formation of regional laws is exercised by the submission of proposals
edited articles
a) by at least five electors of the Region

CITIZENS ARE NO LONGER 'willing to accept the
Inequality COST OF POLITICS: A City Council picks GENOA LITTLE MORE 'OTTOCENTO OF EURO PER MONTH AND CAN NOT' DO facilitate its valuable work, while a REGIONAL COUNCIL of earns about 13 times as much. Unless politicians trimmed their SALARIES AND 'THE PEOPLE THAT MOVES!

press office Ordinary People

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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ordinary people have created an association for specific health and environmental protection. It's called "LIFE / ENVIRONMENT / FUTURE," then we offer you the link to log on to his Facebook page: # / group.php? Gid = 39373366811
will begin soon its activities and we will see some good.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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A Ostra is all ready for the parade go-ahead

Ostra. Launch of candy, floats, music, entertainment and carnival parades in the form of the boys, scheduled for tomorrow afternoon in the center of the Pro Ostra.Organizzata site sponsored by the City, the event is one of the most recognized and popular ' Senigallia hinterland. The edition Carnival 2011 also makes use of new formations and partnerships who will support the organizers and the groups that traditionally participate in the party. "After several preparatory meetings, during which he answered in some operational difficulties that were culled, the end result is very comforting and demonstrates the proper involvement in the organizational aspects of the many cultural, sporting, social and economic operating in the territory of Ostra - explain the representatives of the Pro Loco - in addition to participation in compact ranks Institute of Ostra comprehensive school, is expected the presence of cultural and sports associations fractions Casino and Pianello and boys of the Oratory Parish Ostra that a few weeks working for the construction of floats and masked groups. Also important is the presence of the children of the center "The Joust", of Hospice of Corinth, the members dell'Avis, the circle of Vaccarile ACLI and the Ferrari Club Ostra for the preparation of dining. Police valued the organizational support of the association-retired Civil Protection Unit and the Association of Ostra Bella Italy. The parade through the city will begin at 14.30 with a path widened to involve the center and will be accompanied by the joyous notes of the town band "Ovid Bartoletti. In addition to the traditional launch of sweets and fed, the invitation is to participate in the fancy dress party: the 2011 edition will offer tasty surprises for the most original masks. The entrance to the Children's Carnival is free.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Augusta and the Art of engraving on copper in the eighteenth century, not only Klauber: the rarest Santini must also be signed by Gottfried Bernhard Goz

"omnia poma new and old, I needed dilecta tibi," Cannot. 7
Beautiful and rare copper engraving on the stroke and dots on paper rod.
Goz Klauber et Cath. Sculps. et exc. AV-eighteenth-century before 1742
Private Collection Galanz

In colorful and dynamic scenario, well known and familiar to scholars and lovers of Collectibles Images of the ancient devotional produced and disseminated in the eighteenth century, the city of Augsburg - the ancient AVGVSTA Vindelicorum founded by the Romans in 15 BC-dipanò it for four years, from 1737 until the end of 1741, an active and successful partnership between two giants of art of engraving on copper era: the brothers Joseph Sebastian Klauber (1710-1768) and Johann Baptist Klauber (1712-1787) and the great artist-engraver Moravian Gottfried Bernhard Goz (1708-1774).

reflectors are in my article in today's deliberately focused on the latter, still unknown from Italian collections, mammoth figure of late Baroque German and Bavarian in particular.

Gottfried Bernhard Goz was born in Velehrad, in Moravia, August 10, 1708, son of Sebastian, a blacksmith at the Cistercian monastery of Velehrad .

The biography chronicles, generously full of news, see the original in the Archives of the Czech Republic and deepened by the great German scholar and collector Adolf Spamer, which passed in 1718 Gottfried Bernhard attended the Jesuit School Based in Hradisch in the picturesque region of southern Moravia , receiving an excellent classical-humanist education.

young, though already estimated painter, he moved in 1730 to Augsburg traditionally for centuries of thriving shops thriving and profitable trade in the multifaceted field of Press.

There he meets and begins to work as an apprentice at the start of Bottega Bergmüller Johann Georg (1688-1762), these learning the art of engraving with a burin on copper plate and of ' etching.

Just three years later married, following the untimely death of his first wife, Anna Elisabeth Vienna Lesin , childless, and this marriage lasted only a few years.

from his third wife, the Austrian noblewoman Maria Eleonora Magdalena von Erdenfeld will instead have a son and a daughter.
His eldest son, Franz Regis Goz , later married the sister of a dear friend and colleague, Johann Joseph Anton Huber Bavarian (1737-1815), said the late-Baroque painter and Director of Catholic Reichsstädtischen Kunstakademie Augsburg. (The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts).

fresco talented and experienced in 1742 was commissioned to fresco the ceiling of the monumental Audience Hall in the beautiful, ancient Benedictine abbey of Weingarten , just as famous in Europe under the name Abbey St. Martin's , rising on the mountain of the same name, in the beautiful area bordering the picturesque view of Lake Constance .

Within the limited production of beautiful and precious Images Sacred engraved on copper plate bearing his signature, were found about 250 sheets - German language Blätter - printed without having first sought and obtained the well-known imperial privilege, strict laws regulating the the local press.

250 Sheets Of these about half were made by Goz according to the refined technique of engraving with a burin on copper the stroke and dot , some in black and white, other, far more rare and valuable the first hand-colored with beautiful, bright colors.

In 1737 Augusta has been the scene of the signing of an important collaboration between the great artist Gottfried Bernhard Goz and summentovati Klauber Brothers, Engravers local and traditional family 100 sheets engraved with a burin on copper to celebrate and spread the Bible imaging.

CPSCM -or, CUM-PRIVILEGE Sacrae Caesaria majestatis with the permission and the privilege granted by the Sacred Majesty the Emperor, and the combination of double signatures Goz et Klauber, so for four years, until the end of the year were printed in 1741 at Augusta the shop owned by the splendid Klauber, image processing devotional magnificant the Holy Bible and the salient episodes in it preciously handed down under the aegis of the unmistakable Catholic Faith: Goz et Klauber, CATH. Sculps. et exc. AV

And certainly this was a bold partnership of immense historical and religious value testimonial - even if the light in a logical and purposeful preponderatamente commercial-if we think that was drawn up by the protagonists in an era of frequent and sometimes even deadly outbreaks in the city and the entire region of Bavaria resurgence of pro-Protestant, accordingly blatantly anti-Christian .

Dawn of 1742 he signed the definitive end of this cooperation and also thanks to Professor Adolf Spamer know that from that moment the great Artist Moravian Gottfried Bernhard Goz continued alone to disclose that its precious sacred images, always with great applause and acclaim, although paradoxically deprived of the imperial privilege .

Gottfried Bernhard Goz died in Augsburg on Nov. 23 the year 1774.

The beautiful and elaborate engraving which accompanies the current article, in the light of what has been said, it is therefore no doubt dating from before the year 1742 .

In conclusion, I draw the attention of enthusiasts and collectors, including any friends Filiconici - borrowing from scholars and collectors Attilio Gardini this brilliant and appropriate neologism coined by him personally in- especially Italians, to the careful observation of the beautiful devotional images produced in Augsburg in the eighteenth century: not only Klauber, if you look for an Image devoted to particular quality and rarity ' try it in the signing of Gottfried Bernhard Goz .

Paola Galanz

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reimbursement Ostra

Ostra. Possibility of reimbursement for treatment from Multiservizi. The citizens of the municipality of Ostra are entitled to a refund from spa Multiservizi from payment of water utilities for the period 2003 to 2008.
Reporting, is put into light association Ostrense Project Ostra, which says: "A Constitutional Court ruling (n.335/2008) decided that was not due to the relative share of purification, when the area was not expected and operating a sewage treatment plant for water treatment (as occurred in the territory of the municipality of Ostra). Please note that the Multiservice has already made a statement on the matter, on the website are indeed available lists of those entitled to a refund than they paid for the service despite not having received treatment, but several citizens when you are not yet aware of this news and that these reimbursements are not made automatically but must be requested by the citizens entitled to it. "
For this reason the association "Project Ostra considered useful in the site-www.progetto a link where you can check at the instant when you are entitled to a refund (just in this regard include your user code, reported in each invoice) and download the form to request a refund.
"Our association - the statement concludes - is also available to help people who have no chance to access the Internet directly and can not do this verification, we think especially the elderly and those who do not own a computer at home."


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common people against the increases in auto insurance!

Ordinary People, together with the officials and consumer groups, will all day Sunday, March 6th street in front of ACI Brigades Bisagno to collect signatures against the rising cost of insurance: it is a unique initiative, the agents in representing their clients to do business and the government that if the sing and if they play to their liking. Come to sign!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Project Moves to save United first aid station. Collection of signatures of the majority and the opposition against the closure of the service

Ostra. "Ostra says no to the closure of the medical service, signature, too." With this slogan, and the mayor Massimo Olivetti board majority and minority leaders, and Moris Mansanta Mauro Morganti, invite the people to collect signatures against the closure of the duty doctor of Ostra. Harnessing the long-awaited and supported by all political forces against a local measure judged unfair and detrimental to the entire territory. The latest statements by the Director dell'Asur 4, Franco Pesaresi, on the closure of the structure Ostrense, led the Mayor Massimo Olivetti and members of the two civic lists "Project Ostra" and "our" to draft a text to be submitted to all citizens. For the weekend is already planned banquet to collect signatures in Martyrs' Square and out of the Sunday mass. While the text, as to subscribe to the citizens, has already been distributed in clinics and pharmacies Ostrense.
"Considering the great sacrifices and cuts in health and care that the municipality of Ostra had to endure in recent years, which led to the closure of the city hospital first, then the suspension Rsa and finally scaling the Practice citizen , and considering that the medical service, one of the few remaining in the municipal health services, it is essential for the town of Ostra, not only because it is the most populous Senigallia hinterland with a population growth among the highest in the area, but also because his retirement home hosts a number of frail elderly people (almost 80 of which 48 were in residence protected) - reads the text - the citizens express absolute opposition about the planned abolition of the medical service of Ostra and about any more downsizing of the services currently in the municipality. "
the entire municipality of Ostra Calls Pesaresi to the medical director to review its position so that the community Ostrense can continue to use the medical service and other specialist services in the structure of "House of Health", hoping their empowerment. The mayor Olivetti also reiterates the fact that the director has decided to delete the Pesaresi medical service without consulting the institutional bodies, such as the Conference of Mayors and City Council Ostra.
"It's another serious and unjust loss to the social health of our service territory, before which we believe not to remain silent - Olivetti presses - unfortunately, it seems, attempts so far carried out in the policy did not change the line taken unilaterally and without a democratic debate, the Director Pesaresi. So all the city councilors unanimously in their capacity as representatives of the population Ostrense, have developed a standard document which is expressed the opposition of all citizens of Ostra decision in relation to this absurd and unfair. We ask you to sign it and invite everyone who can to sign it. It will be a strong and tangible that will send the Area Director and all relevant institutional bodies (region and neighboring towns) against the closure of the emergency doctor. " In the meantime, was organized, March 15 at the theater for "Victory", a public meeting entitled "The social and health services in Ostra. What is the future. "

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Ostra: the country united to save the Doctor, part of the collection of signatures

majority and opposition, the mayor and citizens. An entire country, Ostra, is mobilized to save the Doctor. The inland town of Senigallia is indeed ready with every means to change the decision to the Director Franco Asur Pesaresi. Soon a public meeting and also to collect signatures. The entire City Council has in fact joined the initiative to give more strength. Majority minority have decided to row on the same side to save the Doctor. " With the forces of majority and minority representatives have drafted a text that will send to all the families of Ostra- says the mayor, Massimo Olivetti- . We strongly reiterate our opposition to the closure of the Doctor. This is an important service for the area, serving a catchment area of \u200b\u200bover seven thousand inhabitants. Pesaresi The decision did not pass on any table for discussion, Ostra believe in dialogue and we are confident in the possibility of reopening a debate with the director Asur. On our part there is maximum availability . " Opportunity for a direct comparison is ready. The next March 15 at the Teatro Comunale in fact Ostrense to 21 there will be a public meeting to investigate the issue. Pesavento also be invited to participate. "How civic list" Nostra "enthusiastically to this initiative explains the parent- Moris Mansanta- . The decision to close the Doctor was first discussed in appropriate fora, a question that was scheduled to arrive in the City Council . The fact that local authorities were not involved is very strange. We do not share this behavior of the Asur Director nor the reasons offered. " addition to the letter in the coming days will come into the homes of families of Ostra, also will start a signature collection in the streets and in the offices of family physicians. " It 'important that the entire city council is united on this issue, concluded Mauro Morganti, leader of the civil list" Ostra Project "- . While avoiding the closure of the Doctor will take all possible measures. Health is public and has no political color. Ostra in this respect has already made in the past and do not want to lose another piece. "

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Assembly coordination PDL. "Ostra must begin to be felt more"

Ostra. The municipal council headed by Mayor Massimo Olivetti and provincial and national party leaders, took part in the assembly of the coordination of municipal PDL Ostra. Many of the issues addressed in the presence of Senator Casoli, Mr Greaves and regional advisers and Bugaro Zinni. The event served to take stock of the situation after almost two years of administration Olivetti. "As for our area led to two fundamental issues: the difficult issue of employment and health situation after the measures taken by the Area Director Pesaresi on the closure of the duty doctor of Ostra - explains Fabio Frattesi municipal coordinator - in this regard, counselors and Bugaro Zinni expressed their solidarity to the City providing support to any kind of mobilization. " Space was also resarvato the Stability Pact and the limitations that it entails. The fundamental role it is playing the assessor budget Barigelli Luigi, who is urging political parties to try to revise this decision, because, say members of the PDL is unthinkable to have in the coffers of local resources can not use. " During the evening has also addressed the issue of representation on the territory. "As the largest municipality of Ostra valley after Senigallia, for too many years does not make representation in local institutions - says Frattesi - we believe that the work that led to the election of the mayor Olivetti is a good omen that the management takes into account provincial PdL this request. The next elections can be a good opportunity. "

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Section Avis, donations and members are growing

Ostra. Ben 273 donors and 583 donations in 2010. This budget positive local branch of Avis Ostra. At the home of the Pilgrim Madonna della Rosa, recently held its annual meeting of shareholders of Avis Ostra. As has become tradition, this is the right time to take stock of achievements in 2010 and set goals for 2011.
"2010 has seen our association, for the umpteenth consecutive year, growing steadily in terms of membership and active participation in events and initiatives across the country - says President Dorit Zingaretti - for this, thanks goes to duty all of our 273 donors. This is a very welcome development highlighted by 583 donations throughout the year slots.
Moreover, one must also say that we grew up in the donation of plasma exchange and multicomponent which are very important for the production of lifesaving drugs. "
Also in the Marche region, in 2010, has reached the milestone of 100,000 donations.
"We must continue to do so - says the Board of Avis Ostra - our duty to donors must be constant and punctual in order to help achieve, in 2011, 105,000 donations required by the Regional Health."
From November 12, 1962, the day of birth of the local section, to date, has been the Avis of Ostra always worked to increase the number of donors in the population and to create a culture of blood donation.
"Our awareness campaigns on the territory in 2010 were intense and constant: we have been present in many events that the city was offering and try to talk about Avis as often as we can - the president concluded his analysis Doriano Zingaretti - in 2011 we will continue on the same line.
Special thanks to our medical director Giancarlo Disciples for their kind and valuable assistance. We will continue to convey the message of solidarity and altruism that motivates us because the culture of blood donation needs to be constantly fed. "


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possibility of reimbursement for the service by the Multiservice Project Ostra purification of the information on payment water utilities in Ostra

Association DRAFT OSTRA inform citizens of the municipality of Ostra on the possibility of entitlement to a refund from the multi-service company spa from payment of water utilities for the period 2003-2008. A ruling of the Constitutional Court (No. 335/2008) established fact that was not due to the relative share purification, where the area was not expected and running a clean water treatment (as occurred in the Municipality Ostra). Please note that Multiservizi has already made a statement on but several people at the moment are not yet aware of this news and that these reimbursements are not made automatically but must be requested by the citizens entitled to it.
For this reason we considered it useful to include an article on our site with a link where you can check at the instant when you are entitled to a refund (just enter your user code, as contained in each invoice ) and download the form to request a refund. The association
Project is available at Ostra help people who have no chance to access the Internet and can not do this verification directly (we think in particular the elderly and those who do not own the computer).

project from Ostra