Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sleep Apnea Prevention

Ostra: the country united to save the Doctor, part of the collection of signatures

majority and opposition, the mayor and citizens. An entire country, Ostra, is mobilized to save the Doctor. The inland town of Senigallia is indeed ready with every means to change the decision to the Director Franco Asur Pesaresi. Soon a public meeting and also to collect signatures. The entire City Council has in fact joined the initiative to give more strength. Majority minority have decided to row on the same side to save the Doctor. " With the forces of majority and minority representatives have drafted a text that will send to all the families of Ostra- says the mayor, Massimo Olivetti- . We strongly reiterate our opposition to the closure of the Doctor. This is an important service for the area, serving a catchment area of \u200b\u200bover seven thousand inhabitants. Pesaresi The decision did not pass on any table for discussion, Ostra believe in dialogue and we are confident in the possibility of reopening a debate with the director Asur. On our part there is maximum availability . " Opportunity for a direct comparison is ready. The next March 15 at the Teatro Comunale in fact Ostrense to 21 there will be a public meeting to investigate the issue. Pesavento also be invited to participate. "How civic list" Nostra "enthusiastically to this initiative explains the parent- Moris Mansanta- . The decision to close the Doctor was first discussed in appropriate fora, a question that was scheduled to arrive in the City Council . The fact that local authorities were not involved is very strange. We do not share this behavior of the Asur Director nor the reasons offered. " addition to the letter in the coming days will come into the homes of families of Ostra, also will start a signature collection in the streets and in the offices of family physicians. " It 'important that the entire city council is united on this issue, concluded Mauro Morganti, leader of the civil list" Ostra Project "- . While avoiding the closure of the Doctor will take all possible measures. Health is public and has no political color. Ostra in this respect has already made in the past and do not want to lose another piece. "


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