Beautiful and rare copper engraving on the stroke and dots on paper rod.
Goz Klauber et Cath. Sculps. et exc. AV-eighteenth-century before 1742
In colorful and dynamic scenario, well known and familiar to scholars and lovers of Collectibles Images of the ancient devotional produced and disseminated in the eighteenth century, the city of Augsburg - the ancient AVGVSTA Vindelicorum founded by the Romans in 15 BC-dipanò it for four years, from 1737 until the end of 1741, an active and successful partnership between two giants of art of engraving on copper era: the brothers Joseph Sebastian Klauber (1710-1768) and Johann Baptist Klauber (1712-1787) and the great artist-engraver Moravian Gottfried Bernhard Goz (1708-1774).
reflectors are in my article in today's deliberately focused on the latter, still unknown from Italian collections, mammoth figure of late Baroque German and Bavarian in particular.
Gottfried Bernhard Goz was born in Velehrad, in Moravia, August 10, 1708, son of Sebastian, a blacksmith at the Cistercian monastery of Velehrad .
The biography chronicles, generously full of news, see the original in the Archives of the Czech Republic and deepened by the great German scholar and collector Adolf Spamer, which passed in 1718 Gottfried Bernhard attended the Jesuit School Based in Hradisch in the picturesque region of southern Moravia , receiving an excellent classical-humanist education.
young, though already estimated painter, he moved in 1730 to Augsburg traditionally for centuries of thriving shops thriving and profitable trade in the multifaceted field of Press.
There he meets and begins to work as an apprentice at the start of Bottega Bergmüller Johann Georg (1688-1762), these learning the art of engraving with a burin on copper plate and of ' etching.
Just three years later married, following the untimely death of his first wife, Anna Elisabeth Vienna Lesin , childless, and this marriage lasted only a few years.
from his third wife, the Austrian noblewoman Maria Eleonora Magdalena von Erdenfeld will instead have a son and a daughter.
His eldest son, Franz Regis Goz , later married the sister of a dear friend and colleague, Johann Joseph Anton Huber Bavarian (1737-1815), said the late-Baroque painter and Director of Catholic Reichsstädtischen Kunstakademie Augsburg. (The Imperial Academy of Fine Arts).
fresco talented and experienced in 1742 was commissioned to fresco the ceiling of the monumental Audience Hall in the beautiful, ancient Benedictine abbey of Weingarten , just as famous in Europe under the name Abbey St. Martin's , rising on the mountain of the same name, in the beautiful area bordering the picturesque view of Lake Constance .
Within the limited production of beautiful and precious Images Sacred engraved on copper plate bearing his signature, were found about 250 sheets - German language Blätter - printed without having first sought and obtained the well-known imperial privilege, strict laws regulating the the local press.
250 Sheets Of these about half were made by Goz according to the refined technique of engraving with a burin on copper the stroke and dot , some in black and white, other, far more rare and valuable the first hand-colored with beautiful, bright colors.
In 1737 Augusta has been the scene of the signing of an important collaboration between the great artist Gottfried Bernhard Goz and summentovati Klauber Brothers, Engravers local and traditional family 100 sheets engraved with a burin on copper to celebrate and spread the Bible imaging.
CPSCM -or, CUM-PRIVILEGE Sacrae Caesaria majestatis with the permission and the privilege granted by the Sacred Majesty the Emperor, and the combination of double signatures Goz et Klauber, so for four years, until the end of the year were printed in 1741 at Augusta the shop owned by the splendid Klauber, image processing devotional magnificant the Holy Bible and the salient episodes in it preciously handed down under the aegis of the unmistakable Catholic Faith: Goz et Klauber, CATH. Sculps. et exc. AV
And certainly this was a bold partnership of immense historical and religious value testimonial - even if the light in a logical and purposeful preponderatamente commercial-if we think that was drawn up by the protagonists in an era of frequent and sometimes even deadly outbreaks in the city and the entire region of Bavaria resurgence of pro-Protestant, accordingly blatantly anti-Christian .
Dawn of 1742 he signed the definitive end of this cooperation and also thanks to Professor Adolf Spamer know that from that moment the great Artist Moravian Gottfried Bernhard Goz continued alone to disclose that its precious sacred images, always with great applause and acclaim, although paradoxically deprived of the imperial privilege .
Gottfried Bernhard Goz died in Augsburg on Nov. 23 the year 1774.
The beautiful and elaborate engraving which accompanies the current article, in the light of what has been said, it is therefore no doubt dating from before the year 1742 .
In conclusion, I draw the attention of enthusiasts and collectors, including any friends Filiconici - borrowing from scholars and collectors Attilio Gardini this brilliant and appropriate neologism coined by him personally in- especially Italians, to the careful observation of the beautiful devotional images produced in Augsburg in the eighteenth century: not only Klauber, if you look for an Image devoted to particular quality and rarity ' try it in the signing of Gottfried Bernhard Goz .
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