Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Three events dedicated to the Unity of Italy

Ostra. Three events dedicated to the unification of Italy. On the occasion of the celebrations of 150 years, was a group of work that provides an opportunity for deepening the themes of the Risorgimento. The cut-up to this initiative is the reading of the events of the Risorgimento through the figures of the protagonists. The towns of Belvedere Ostrense, Ostra and Poggio San Marcello have developed a route in stages. Yesterday the first part in Belvedere Ostrense where Professor Michael Millozzi University Macerata presented the figure of Giuseppe Mazzini and the idea in the Republican Risorgimento.
Next Saturday the event will move to Ostra, at the Great Hall of the town hall, with a double encounter, always by 18: The first speaker will be Professor Fred Anghel, University of Genoa, who put in the middle of his speech Vittorio Emanuele II, father of the country, followed by Professor Gennaro Carotenuto University of Macerata, will develop the theme of the Democratic Movement in the Risorgimento, deepening the role and character of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
On April 2, the route is closed to Poggio San Marcello, where the protagonist the evening will be Cavour, presented as "the director of the unification of Italy" by Professor Richard Piccioni, University of Macerata.



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