Monday, March 14, 2011

Community Service Log Sheet Template


Our proposal is twofold:

A) collect a series of projects on paper meaningful and achievable in order to make our youngest city and for young people. The best projects will be selected by the Governing Council of ordinary people and will become part of the implementation program of our movement and will be rewarded with a plaque.
B) You tube to open a channel of Young Ordinary People (GCG) on which to showcase short films in low quality (by mobile phone, camera, everything is fine ) that you made, showing the deterioration of our city.

You can choose between two proposals, or send both types of materials.
For whom are our proposals?
All young people of good will in their thirties.
By when?
Between 4 weeks (15 April 2011) will close the terms of this contest of ideas. So if you have or have had in the past some nice idea for a young Genoa, throw it down on a Word document (Max 20 lines) and send to the email listed at the bottom of the page.
waiting for your ideas!

John - Head of young Ordinary People
giovanni.traverso @


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