The design team is led dall'ostrense Silvia Lupini and 'awarded the words Special to the competition "from the port to Passetto" organized by the city of Ancona. The Committee has allocated more than the first, second and third prizes are also three awards for "the valuable solutions to particular issues." The competition was an opportunity to bring back foreign experience in Italy. In addition to Silvia Lupini, parent, because the other team - except the agronomist Paola Staffolani (Osimo) - are also Italians living abroad, Simona Stortone (Berlin), Matteo Bettoni (Rotterdam).
"Special mention fills us with satisfaction, we work with Simona Stortone always 'remote', via the web, Italian and international competitions by joining forces and experiences different. We are always in doubt whether to participate in competitions as Italian organization and unfortunately very often the results do not seem completely correct. The competition in Ancona, we decided to do so, despite the enormous amount of material required, and now we are happy. It was just our theme, the public space, the redevelopment of the axis that runs through the city. A statement is not much more than a little 'glory, but for a young architectural firm, especially in a foreign country, it is quite important. "
Ostrense The landscape architect lives and works in Rotterdam (Netherlands) for the past seven years and is owner of the studio Loop Landscape Architecture & Design ( soon online), which deals with the design - including Italy and the Netherlands-public spaces, landscape, architecture and detached villas on a small scale.
riccardo.silvi @
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