Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jeep Liberty Power Mirrors Dont Work

Santini Santini and Holiness: the beautiful magazine AICIS opens 2011: remember to renew the card to enrich us with his interesting book! The

Timely, in its elegant cover of auspicious red, and all we anticipated, has arrived at our house the first issue of Santini and Holiness - bimonthly masterfully and personally, with care and good taste, edited by dear friend Renzo Manfè - Vice-President AICIS ITALIAN ASSOCIATION Expert holy pictures.

In its 31 glossy pages and lots of interesting categories, themes and types of Santini and devotional images processed with skill and passion of collectors and scholars, and accompanied by beautiful devotional image in B & W and color.

new and passionate research, conducted by private collectors and scholars contribute to a more thorough and accurate investigation of the origins and history of the most sought after and collected kind of sacred images; cite among others, the Dott.Laura Borello, author of an interesting article on Relics exposed to popular devotion in the city of Turin , the collector and scholar of iconography Mariana on Santini, Anna Pia Guarnieri, author of more in-depth overview the beautiful historical and religious figure of Mary-key presence repute and venerated in the ancient devotional image-the Friend Giancarlo Gualtieri - Collector and National Secretary AICIS - author of brilliant and always interesting articles in this issue guide us through the exemplary lives of the fourteen Holy Helpers - relied on by the people with deep devotion to obtain special protection and assistance - auxilium , in Latin, just-in extra-ordinary circumstances and special.

This first issue of Santini and Holiness, in addition to summentovati articles, back to a beautiful 29 page review on my Blog, with enthusiasm and generosity, personally edited by Professor Carluccio Frison, medieval, and Socio Probus Viro AICIS , devoted and a great admirer of the titanic figure of St. Charles Borromeo in the ancient devotional image, occupying a splendid collection that, without a doubt, I think rightly among the most beautiful, important and complete in Europe.

duties, with respect and friendship, I thank him for the Heart and jointly thank AICIS, in the person of our President Gian Ludovico Masetti Zannini NH, for having devoted an entire page to my Blog, who does in these days his first birthday.

Complete this rich, first issue of SANTINI and Sant ', in the final cover, the list of beatification and canonization ceremonies from July to December 2010 , personally edited by dear friend and esteemed vice-president Renzo Manfè .

remember, finally, to all the Friends and Collectors of Santini and devotional images, of promptly renew all'AICIS enrollment to continue receiving the magazine SANTINI beautiful and Sant ' and use the services and present it in interesting sections, interacting with members and tightening so new and beautiful friendships and collaborations; inside the magazine you will find the newsletter for the payment of dues year, which this year is 30 Euro , and which will receive a beautiful card AICIS in 2011, dedicated this year in celebration of 150 years Unification of Italy , at Saint Francis and Catherine, patron of Italy.

conclude by extending an invitation to all Santini and devoted collectors of images of Europe and the World to join the large and beautiful family 's AICIS-ITALIAN ASSOCIATION Expert holy pictures -, newsletter and urging others to join fellow collectors us: the references to receive all the information are as follows:

AICIS-Italian Association Cultori- holy pictures on facebook

- http://www . /

or by writing directly to the Vice-President Renzo Manfè:

Paola Galanz


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