A strange choice of Olivetti that the Administration put on the plate of the Council discussion of the Regional Law on the plane home only on the closing date. The law was discussed within 45 days of its approval or by Monday, February 14, the day of the Council. As pointed out by the commissioner of public works, Alberto Romagnoli, the matter is very complex and this administration did not consider making changes to the plan as a departure from the region, and went on to ask: why put limits to legislation sovraccomunale?
The law in question has been studied by the region by providing room for maneuver For those municipalities were encouraged to adapt the plan to its territory. The truth is that the administration he's washed his hands thoroughly. The Mayor has stated that several municipalities have not taken the decision in DC but are limited to a resolution of the junta, could do the same thing, so was the involvement of the advice of our list ... For more have not exercised NEAC Technical Services Office of the technical skills of the town, which had suggested responsible or clarified a passage from the norm. As a contribution we could make in the classroom discussion, since even the mayor as chairman dell'assise, limits in all ways the dialogue?
For these reasons, without considering the merits of the legislation that has already taken several steps by the municipalities, and then is integrated with observations over the past months, the panel would list the Civic Our preferred to get up from their desks, leaving the room, leaving only the majority group to take responsibility. Responsibility lies in our view, having regard to the method and superficial way in which govern the City, especially when it comes to building regulations, in addition to help in time of crisis that the industry itself is experiencing.
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